CRYOGENIC INSULATION Panel Type Insulation For LNG/LEG Cargo Tank

Panel Type Insulation For LNG/LEG Cargo Tank


The S‐PAN insulation solution is a combination of a panel based system and a sprayed solution applied on top of the panels. In addition, the design platform of S-PAN® can be applied to most tank geometries and different independent tank types (IMO Type A, B, & C)

The S‐PAN® system is well suited for tank insulation refurbishment as well as larger upgrading programs where reduced boil off rate (BOR) may be a primary target.

The insulation system is built up by a cold side layer of panels which are anchored but not bonded to the tank surface.

The warm side of the insulation consists of sprayed-on layers of PU/PIR foam directly bonded to the cold panel layer. Continuous crack barriers are fully integrated at different levels in the structure

The S‐PAN® technology offers efficient insulation solutions working down to extremely low tank temperatures (‐200°C ) and where heat loss is reduced to an absolute minimum.
  • Applicable to all types of cargo tanks
  • Robust UV and seawater resistance
  • Optimized and efficient application method
  • Good mechanical property and fire resistance
  • Optimal design for upgrading of existing insulation systems